Education - Our associates have access to a variety of educational opportunities, including required legal and elective courses for CE credit at no cost to our agents. We have an ongoing calendar of available courses, both live and virtual, and we cover everything from contract updates to company tools to social media. We never stop learning.
Administrative Support - The Winter Springs office has 2 full-time staff members to support REALTORS with their administrative needs. They assist throughout the home sale process and are available for marketing assistance or additional services as required.
Marketing and Tech Tools - Coldwell Banker is a company that is always on the cutting edge of emerging trends and technologies in the industry. Our associates have access to a wealth of tools, including a CRM system, e-Marketing suite, digital listing presentations and much more.
In-Office Coaching - Vanessa Pierce and her assistant manager offer in-office coaching on an individual or small group basis. We regularly get together to review the use of our tools, making sure that we are utilizing everything that's available to our agents to help them achieve their goals and grow their business.
Management - As a non-competing managing broker, Vanessa devotes her time to ensuring the success of every REALTOR. She is committed to helping each one develop a business plan and enjoys meeting with them to review and reassess their goals. Her top priority is helping our agents to achieve their dreams and improve their quality of life. The support of Vanessa and the office staff helps them free up their time to either seek new business or devote more time to their personal endeavors.
Office Culture - At Coldwell Banker - Winter Springs/Oviedo, we have a great time! We are a hard working group of professionals that enjoys learning and celebrating our successes. Whether we are doing something out in the community, having a Lunch and Learn in the office, or hosting an event, we support each other. From experienced colleagues to rookies, we recognize and reward exceptional talent. To get an idea of what it's like to work with us, please follow us on Facebook.
We are always looking for talented people to join us! Please contact Vanessa for a confidential discussion about the future of your business and how we can help you. 407.571.6508
"Working with Vanessa is truly one of the best parts about my career with Coldwell Banker. When I need guidance, a shoulder to lean on, or a cheerleader, I know Vanessa will be there for me. She motivates and pushes me beyond what I knew I was capable of. I am very grateful for the support I receive. If you're a new Realtor or a Realtor looking for a change, you're already looking in the right spot." - Jaime Langford
“Change is never easy and comes with different experiences for everyone, but I had no idea when I first met Vanessa, that it would be a journey of AMAZING growth, challenges, road bumps (self-induced) and positive change. Vanessa’s greatest strength is that she deeply cares about guiding people and our success. She is an excellent coach and mentor with a wealth of experience.